Monday, March 31, 2014

March 30th - La Cruz La Joya 108

Went to the Sunday market. We bought jalapeƱo bread, coffee, spicy peanuts, coconut oil and shrimp for our dinner tonight. Had our favorite sandwich while we were there.

Came back to the condo and wound up watch What Women Want with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. It was hilarious! Very good movie.

Played a couple of games of cribbage.mmdavid skunked me one game and I barely beat him on the next. We had a great dinner. Shrimp, corn and tomato linguine, delicious.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 29th - La Cruz La Joya 108

Left around 10 today. Heading to Puerto Vallarta to see a dermatologist. Both of us have appointments.

Wow, the U. S. Coast Guard is here in PV! You think they are on Spring break?

Our dermatologist is Dra. Alma Vargas. She did a complete exam on both of us. She froze a few spots on my face and several on my chest. The rest is all good. David had a bunch on his head, arm, hand and back. Went to Costco hoping to get our egg whites and English muffins but they were still out. We did get blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes and corn. I'm going to make Shrimp, corn and tomato linguine for dinner tomorrow.

Stopped at Mega on the way home so David could get more cash and I could get the rest of the ingredients for my dinner tomorrow. While I was selecting which linguine to buy a young woman came up and started to select pastas and started speaking to me in Spanish and I didn't understand what she was asking me but it seemed like she wanted to know which was better and she was asking and pointing at different marinara sauces. I turned around to put my linguine in my cart and found a guy right over my purse! One compartment was unzipped. I don't carry a wallet. The money was inside the compartment that was not unzipped and inside of another zipped compartment. Nothing was missing but I'm pretty sure that was a set up to distract me so he could rob me. Maybe the bad luck streak has changed, hope so!

Went to Philo's for dinner. I ordered pizza and David had the full rack of ribs. Listened to a couple of sets of music.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 28th - La Cruz La Joya 108

Bottom is all painted now except for where the braces are. They will move the boat next week so they can paint where the braces have been.

Looking good!

After David came back from checking on the boat, we got ready to go on our walk. As we were walking up the hill I mentioned to David, "you do have the keys to the condo door right!?" He had left before I did to take out the garbage and when I went out I locked the door. Well as luck would have it, he said no. Oh crap! Now we're locked out. Went back to check with the guards and they didn't have a spare. We called Chris and he had the phone number of one of the owners friends who lives here in 201. He is out on errands but thank goodness he has a spare and let us in when he got back. It was only about a 15 minute wait. Enough of the bad luck streak already!

Cindy and Chris said we could use their deck above their 4th floor condo.

Such a great view! Thanks Chris and Cindy!

Happy camper

Me too!

Facetime'd with Kevin and Cindy. Had a good visit with them.


Friday, March 28, 2014

March 27th La Cruz La Joya 108

The new shaft and props are really shipping from Mazatlan today and will arrive here on Monday. Work has started on JB's bottom. The struts and trim tabs have been treated.

Another view

New bottom paint is being rolled on

Say cheese! Hola amigos!

So ready to get her out of here!

Fish fry! Fresh Grouper, so good!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 26th - La Cruz La Joya 108

Our shaft and props are supposed to ship today, however they did not. We are told they will ship tomorrow for sure!

Moon Shadow is splashing today.

It's like getting out of jail! Poor Janabanana still stuck over there on the right.

So exciting, can't wait until it's our tun!


Back in the water again, John has to be so happy!

We had just cracked a beer and poured a glass of wine when we got a call from Chris and Cindy. They invited us up to their condo on the 4th floor of our building.

What a view up here! Our condo is on the first floor with no view, all we can see is the pool down there.

Cindy has everything decorated so nice!

You can see the marina from here.

Sunset. Cindy and Chris joined us downstairs for dinner. We grilled some steaks. A fun impromptu evening!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 25th La Cruz La Joya 108

Went on our walk and stopped by the Boat Cover Shop where Guillermo is to see if he is back from holiday. He says he'll go to the dinghy and remove the cushions to start recovering them for us. David heard from Rice Propulsion in Mazatlan and they received our payment so our props and shaft art definately shipping tomorrow. Peter in the shipyard has three guys working on sanding the bottom of Janabanana to get her ready for bottom paint.

Black Forest Beer Festival tonight!

Pura Vida is heading across to La Paz, leaving in the morning. We are having dinner with them tonight at Black Forest. Gale and Mary from Worknot are leaving for Mazatlan and then to the Sea of Cortez next week. It feels like we are getting left behind!

Our dark German beer and Mikes wine.

We always have a fun time with Mike and Judy!


Dinner is served!

And they brought gravy to pour on the mashed potatoes

Swinehocken, just look at this deliciousness!

Dig in Judy!

After dinner we went to Britannia for some music and dancing

Say cheese :-)

A great night, took Mike and Judy back to the marina and they had to ride in their dinghy out to Pura Vida in the anchorage, hoist the dinghy and motor and lock it down and get up 4:30 am to start sailing to Loreto.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 24th - La Cruz La Joya 108

Went on our walk this morning. Ran into Mike and Judy off of Pura Vida. They are getting ready to head north into the Sea of Cortez. We are going to have dinner with them tomorrow at Black Forest. They are having their German Beer Festival and we all preordered their swinehocken. They marinate it for five days and then slow roast it for hours. We also ran into Katrina on the Malecon and had a nice visit with her.

The internet went out yesterday in our condo. Damn! The owner still has not got back to us about getting an appointment to get it fixed. They lease the equipment from Telecable. David figured out that it was just the transformer that was bad so we went to Walmart to buy a transformer. It was about $17 but at least we are not wasting all the internet time on David's iPhone hotspot. So nice to have McGuyver for my husband, he can fix anything!

Stayed home and cooked in tonight. We made fajitas with chicken and fresh shrimp from the fish market. Facetime'd with Benjamin, he is always such a smiling happy boy!